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Thursday, April 28, 2011

U.S. History Quiz Info

Tomorrow you have a quiz over the terms from Ch. 18. Below is the information I gave you class on the SmartBoard:

Containment- stopping communism from spreading; also known as the Truman Doctrine. Justification for this is the Domino Theory which means if a country falls to comm.. it would be like dominos falling down, ultimately with comm.. spreading to U.S.
Korean War- first time Truman Doctrine challenged, why we fought there
Cold War-fighting between the Soviet Union and U.S.; began after WWII (include Korean War, Vietnam War, Berlin Wall, Space Race, etc.) (lasted until 1989 when the Berlin Wall fell)
McCarthyism- time in the U.S. where Joseph McCarthy accused people in federal gov’t with being Communist, many people’s lives were ruined and some were even tried and killed for being spies (some actually were) but paranoia and anxiety HUGE- LOSS OF CIVIL LIBERTIES
Korean War- N. Korea (communist-China-Russia); S. Korea is supported by U.S.. MacArthur will be fired b/c of his disagreement with Truman regarding how far U.S. should push the N. Koreans back (and use of ABomb in China)
Khrushchev- take over Soviet Union after Stalin; renounced Stalin; began stockpiling nuclear weapons for new war policy of “massive retaliation”

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