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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday, March 27

Happy Sunday to all!

Looking at the news online this morning I came across a story I wanted to share with you. Go to the link below to see the video. Also please look beneath the link for an assignment that you will turn in on Tuesday.

In an appearance on "Face The Nation" set to air Sunday, Defense Secretary Robert Gates cited intelligence reports that show Gaddafi is planting dead bodies at sites attacked by allied forces. Hetold CBS News chief Washington Correspondent Bob Schieffer:

Reports state Gaddafi Planting Bodies

On Monday, March 28 at 7:30PM ET, the President will deliver an address at the National Defense University in Washington, DC to update the American people on the situation in Libya, including the actions we've taken with allies and partners to protect the Libyan people from the brutality of Moammar Qaddafi, the transition to NATO command and control, and our policy going forward. I want all of my classes to watch this address or at the very least read a news story about the address. 

Then I would like for all students to write two paragraphs that answer the following questions:

1.) Before you watched/read Obama's address, what was your opinion concerning the conflict in Libya? 
2.) What is your opinion concerning America's involvement in this conflict?
3.)What was Obama's main "thesis" or message?
4.) What aspects or parts of his address stood out to you as interesting?
5.) Does Obama's address change your perspective on America's involvement in Libya? If so, how?
6.) Were there any parts or words in Obama's speech that you did not understand? If so, what were these?

Obviously feel free to include any other relevant information. You will turn this in to Mr. Peevler on Tuesday (I will be out of school due to the Holocaust Workshop) and we will discuss Obama's address on Wednesday.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


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